Friday, 23 August 2013

My week at Brandspankin'

I’m Chloe and for the past week I’ve been an intern at Brandspankin’. I recently left Pendle Vale College after completing my GCSEs and will be going onto study A-levels at Nelson & Colne College.

I have always had an interest in journalism, and hope to pursue a career in the industry, so being having experience working in an environment that journalists liaise with is incredibly useful. I’ve learnt about branding and how important it is for businesses because it reflects what they stand for, as well as what services they provide and who they are.

I’ve also learnt how to write news articles and had a handful published on, which I am extremely happy about. Having experience writing articles is incredibly useful, because as I write more, it will mean my writing style will improve. All the articles have been on social media and focus on what effects social media can have on businesses.

Like most teenagers, I use social networking sites almost daily. I believe they are great ways to express opinions on a range of subjects, from big issues like politics to films and music. However, Brandspankin’ have taught me that social media can also be used by businesses to gain exposure for themselves and to reach out to their consumers.

Social networking sites now offer insights for their business pages which allow them to see the interactivity of the people who’ve liked the page, and when they are online- which allows the business to schedule their posts to when most of their consumers are online in order to have the maximum response and reach from their posts.

The combination of branding, journalistic writing and use of social media are necessary to fully understand the Marketing, PR and journalism industries, as all three are entwined with each other and rely on each other constantly.

Burnley’s aerospace giant smashes environmental target

Aircelle seven years ahead of target

BURNLEY-based aerospace giant Safran Aircelle has met an ambitious environmental objective seven years ahead of target and now sends none of the waste from its Burnley plant to landfill sites.

The company is the biggest private sector employer in Burnley with over 1,000 people employed at their site. This sees the business generate lots of waste material that includes anything from office waste materials like paper, card and toner cartridges – right through to scrap materials including metals.

The scheme was suggested to Aircelle by Graeme Cumpsty of GS Facilities Management, with the aim of the business sending 0 per cent of its waste to landfill by 2020. The total waste generated by the site peaked in recent years at just over 500 tonnes per year.

Up until April 2013, Aircelle working with G.S. Facilities Management Ltd were achieving an average of 95 per cent recycling of waste produced. Since May 2013 the business has been achieving 100 per cent recycling following the introduction of the waste to energy process.

Janis Murphy Aircelle’s Health, Safety & Environment Manager, said: “We’re delighted that we’ve hit our environmental objective seven years ahead of target. That’s potentially 3,500 tonnes of waste material that would have otherwise gone into landfill. It’s a demonstration of the fact that we are hugely committed to our community and that we take our social and environmental responsibilities very seriously!”

Stephane Cueille, Aircelle’s Managing Director, added: “Our objective is to make Aircelle a profitable business, whilst meeting our social and environmental obligations. Recently, we’ve been stressing our strength as a team – and this is an excellent example of what we can achieve. It’s a very positive development and I’m proud of the team’s efforts!”